Workshop preparing a political debate on voluntarily applicable specific legal provisions for border regions
- Overcoming borders
- Strengthening cooperation
- Deepening integration
19 May 2015 in Luxembourg City
Centre de Conférence – Hôtel Parc Belle-Vue
5 Avenue Marie-Thérèse
L-2132 Luxembourg
The workshop “The need for specific legal provisions to boost cross-border cooperation” was organised by the Department of Spatial Planning and Development in the context of the Luxembourgish Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2015. The purpose of this workshop was to explore the potentials of a political debate on the benefits of specific legal provisions in border regions, and of preparing such a political debate by critically assessing different options. The target audience of the workshop were policymakers, scientific researchers, and stakeholders from all sectors at the European, transnational, national, regional and local level.
The workshop was divided into three main sessions.
Session 1 dealt with the issues and rules hampering cross-border cooperation. The Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) presented the results of a survey on cross-border impediments and obstacles that was commissioned by the incoming Luxembourgish Presidency. This presentation was followed by a panel discussion and questions from the audience.
Session 2 dealt with the need for empirical observation in support of planning for cross-border territories and took the form of a panel discussion.
Session 3 consisted of thematic workshops (that took place simultaneously) addressing different sectors:
- A) Spatial planning, mobility, environment
- B) Labour market, economy, innovation
- C) Health care, social affairs, education
The Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) was invited to prepare a report on the basis of their survey and the conclusions of the workshop. This report will function as an input paper for the political process under the Luxembourgish Presidency and will be made available on this website in July 2015.
The Powerpoint presentations are available below.