In accordance with Article 5 of the Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, Member States shall involve partners in the preparation of the new programmes.
The public consultations aim at collecting needs, suggestions and strategic addresses for the ESPON 2020 Programme directly from a broad group of different relevant stakeholders.
Target Groups
Main target groups listed in the Programme as partners for the consultation are particular competent institutions and authorities at European, national, regional and local level as well as relevant economic and social partners whose sectors and decisions can benefit from the results of the programme.
- May 2015 Stakeholder survey on the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme
- March 2014 Public consultation on the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme
- 27 March 2014 EU level consultation on the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme
- New July 2020 Public consultation on the strategic orientation of the next ESPON programme 2021-2027
A public consultation was launched, inviting all policy-makers and practitioners at all administrative levels, researchers, academics, students and citizens, especially those who think that ‘territory matters’, to provide input, in particular on the emerging territorial challenges ahead of us and the specific needs for territorial evidence and knowledge that ESPON should meet in future.
By the deadline set, a large number of responses had been received from participants, including policy-makers and researchers, representing all the European countries (and beyond).
Emerging challenges ahead of us
ESPON is embedded in Cohesion Policy and should contribute to its main goals while also supporting the EU Territorial Agenda 2030 and its implementation, with a particular focus on territorial cohesion.

ESPON should support policy-makers at all levels by providing territorial evidence and knowledge for policy responses. The focus should be on strengthening EU territories’ resilience to and recovery from crises by achieving a green transition to climate-neutral economies while ensuring at the same time just living conditions for all people in all places.
Territories are exposed to diverse territorial trends, competing policy goals and contradictory sectoral policies, which may lead to self-reinforcing negative but also positive consequences those territories. Therefore, territorial policy responses have to offer integrated approaches to steering development in an effective way. The territorial and functional perspective is the cornerstone of ESPON’s evidence and knowledge work, which supports public stakeholders to find appropriate and coordinated policy responses across sectors and governmental levels to the advantage of European citizens.
This complexity is reflected in a number of core challenges that have to be addressed by ESPON in the future with regards to their territorial dimension.
The results of the public consultation have confirmed the relevance of the set of territorial challenges to be addressed by the programme, as shown below.

In their responses, participants gave a particular emphasis to disparities, in the larger sense:
- social – between generations and age groups, in terms of access to (quality) employment, education, housing, healthcare, etc.;
- territorial – core developed areas versus marginal and less developed areas, urban areas versus rural areas, small cities versus metropolitan and functional areas, etc.;
- Economic: development potential, disparities in wealth ; accessibilities; etc.
These disparities are perceived as having an impact on governance, as territories, people and economies are competing with each other, thus impacting the willingness to cooperate (between territories and between administrative levels in the same territory).
Economic transition and environmental and technological change are perceived as important tools to be considered for use in achieving cohesion and, subsequently, better governance.
Specific needs for territorial evidence
When participants were asked about specific evidence needs, their responses were in line with the views expressed on the challenges to be faced. Many topics were proposed and the JWG tried to cluster them in a way that would ensure that cross-sectorial relations would be considered and that the territorial and functional dimensions would be properly addressed.
Evidence production – clustering topics

Emphasise the link between environmental transition, social inequalities and economic transformation, in the sense that economic actors should be encouraged and incentivised to take into account all the other elements when thinking about their strategy, and not only their profit maximisation.
Response to the consultation
Specific needs for knowledge activities
The consultation also asked about the types of analysis that are most in demand, and it was interesting to see the different preferences of scientists and policy-makers. While scientists prefer cartography and in-depth studies, policy-makers are more interested case studies, scenarios and short, focused analyses.

Visual data such as maps are good tools when trying to understand “the big picture”. Different scenarios help to consider optional paths for development.

Peer-to-peer workshops should be a strong tool to help collaborations between countries (or communities) to overcome differences and share place-based problems and solutions to reach territorial cohesion. Countries have to face together cross-border problems and solutions in any territorial situation (countryside, mountains, sea, etc.). Response to the consultation
Combining evidence production and knowledge development in thematic action plans
The consultation produced much feedback for the work of the JWG, which helped in developing clearer ideas about the thematic action plans (TAPs) that will set the framework and set out specific activities. The TAPs have to ensure a direct link between evidence production and knowledge development so that the best use is made of the evidence produced.

The consultation provided much valuable input to the JWG, which is now further evaluating the results and using them to formulate a first draft of the new programme, which should be ready in the first semester of 2021, depending on the timing of the publication of the regulatory framework for the 2021-2027 programming period.