Conference “25 years of Interreg” (15-16 September 2015, Esch-Belval)

Celebrate, reflect on and get inspired by 25 years of Interreg and beyond!

15-16 September
Maison du Savoir
2 Avenue de l'Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

The event is jointly organized by the incoming Luxembourg Council Presidency together with the European Commission and the INTERACT programme.

We would like to invite you to celebrate with us 25 years of Interreg.

Together with you we will look back on the history of Interreg, explore some of the themes where Interreg made a difference, try to think out of the box, take a global view on territorial cooperation, and discuss visions for European regions and which role Interreg could play to get there.

In addition to presenting evidence, as well as new sources for reflection and inspiration, we will also try to entertain you and offer networking opportunities. With your vote, you will have the opportunity to choose the winner of the European Project Slam.

Please follow this link to register and find additional information.

Any material made available after the event will also be found here.

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